In this post, I’m gonna show you how you can fool windows about its internal structure and sometimes give it wrong information about its internal capabilities or internal information which can br...
Simple OpenLDAP + phpLDAPadmin setup
Hello everyone, In this blog post I’m going to show you how to setup a simple OpenLDAP server with phpldapadmin on apache. I’m posting this because I didn’t find any up to date content on how t...
GRE over IPSec in Cisco IOS
Cisco GRE over IPSEC In the following is a sample configuration for GRE/IPSEC in Cisco IOS devices. you can tailor this to your needs (changing encryption algorithms, IP addresses etc), just r...
Cisco IOS and StrongSWAN IPSEC VPN
In this blog post we will cover IPSEC tunnel between Linux StrongSWAN and Cisco IOS. The strongSWAN config file can copied exactly as is to another server with the IP of Cisco Router and the tun...
Exploring from User-Mode to Kernel-Mode
There were times when I want to trace instructions from User Mode and continue tracing it into Kernel mode to reverse Windows’s internal implementation with my own supplied parameters from User M...
Defeat Malware's Dynamic API Loading
There are thousands of ways which makes malwares resist against static dissambling and static analysing. One of the known ways to circumvent against suspicious API blocking or analysing staticall...
Lack of rechecking permissions in Android
Yesterday me and one of my friends were working on an Android Penetration testing project. After testing some kinds of exploit then we somehow get root privilege with some kinds of limitations. I...
Import Address Table (IAT) in action
Did you ever think about how different dll files with different versions and obviously with different addresses of functions work perfectly together ? The answer is Import Address Table (IAT). I...
Bind9 chroot on debian 8
From Wikipedia: BIND, or named, is the most widely used Domain Name System (DNS) software on the Internet. On Unix-like operating systems it is the de facto standard. As you know chrooting ...
Change User-Mode application's virtual address through Kernel Debugging
Well, it’s somehow an odd topic but sometimes it could be really helpful in some situations. So what are the situations? Imagine sometimes you need to access windows stuffs that aren’t availabl...
- Hypervisor From Scratch - Part 1: Basic Concepts & Configure Testing Environment
- Hypervisor From Scratch – Part 2: Entering VMX Operation
- Hypervisor From Scratch – Part 5: Setting up VMCS & Running Guest Code
- Hypervisor From Scratch – Part 6: Virtualizing An Already Running System
- Hypervisor From Scratch – Part 7: Using EPT & Page-Level Monitoring Features